Unfortunately, hit and run accidents happen frequently in BC. Knowing how to deal with these types of accidents can make the difference between success and failure with your personal injury claim.
A hit and run is when someone damages your vehicle but leaves the scene of the accident before you can get their information or the vehicle’s licence plate number. It can also happen when a pedestrian or cyclist is hit by a driver who doesn’t stop.
Section 24 of the Insurance (Vehicle) Act creates a statutory remedy where injury, death or property damage occurs as a result of a hit and run accident.
Remember to give a written notice of the hit and run to ICBC as soon as you can and no later than six months after the accident (s. 24(2)). If you don’t, your claim could be denied.
You must take all reasonable steps to identify the driver and the vehicle that hit you.
If you are planning to hire a lawyer, do it as soon as possible. The lawyer will help you with the steps set out above and will ensure that you comply with the notice and limitation periods set out in the Insurance (Vehicle) Act.